Friday, August 28, 2020

How to go through with your daily routine after a successful Embryo transfer?


If we talk about the IVF treatment process, it can be quoted as a detailed one in regards to the number of diagnostics procedures involved. Although it concludes by the transfer of the embryo into the women’s uterus, there’s a lot more to be taken care after the same.

Also, the same process must be carried out by a qualified specialist from the best infertility Training Center in Mumbai


Moreover, when we talk about the process of Embryo transfer , it usually takes around 2-3 hours, and the patient gets discharged afterwards. Moreover, there are certain things which need to be taken care of after the embryo transfer process gets over a below we will be talking about the same.


Nominal bed rest


Although the patient would be advised a bed rest of 30 minutes after the embryo transfer process gets over, she can return to the basic routine after getting discharged from the clinic. Still, the person needs to take care of herself during the same period and must take proper rest after a busy routine. This helps in taking away unwanted stress on the body of the person, and this would further prepare the body to conceive in the process.


Stay away from heavy physical exercise


Although the person can resume with her daily routine after the clinical embryology in Mumbai, she still needs to stay away from a heavy workout and exercise schedules to keep the body stay away from any injury and accident in the process. A person can opt for light workout schedule and other stuff like Meditation and yoga instead


Sexual intercourse must be avoided


Sexual intercourse is generally not advised after the embryo transfer process until the time pregnancy results come over. This is mainly because most of the women come through enhanced ovaries due to the overall ovaries stimulation process and penetration, and any orgasm can result in uterine contractions.

Moreover, the fertility specialist you are dealing with must be having the right training and qualification from the ReproductiveMedicine and Embryology in Mumbai


Proper medication after the Embryo transfer


Once the patient gets discharged from the clinic, the doctor prescribes her with some medicines along with their adequate dosage until the pregnancy result comes over. These must be strictly followed, and if the person experiences some pain in the lower abdomen mostly, she can opt for Paracetamol as a pain relief option.


Staying hydrated

The person is recommended to have plenty of water to keeps her hydrated, and this would eventually help in the proper cell functioning, which is the utmost requirement until the time pregnancy test results come over.


Other things to be avoided


The person is also not recommended to take a bath in the swimming pool, tubs and beaches as it believed that there could be some infections that the body can catch up during the same process.