Sunday, January 17, 2021

Nurture Special Skills Sets and Grow as an IVF Professional


Infertility and challenges in reproductory health is a common scene nowadays. Many couples suffer from infertility and take the help of artificial reproduction procedures like IVF and IUI. IVF or In Vitro Fertilisation is a process where the sperm and egg are mixed outside the human body and then the fertilized embryo is transformed into the woman’s body who carries it to terms. It is one of the aspects of embryology where the egg-sperm fertilisation is done in an external set-up or a controlled lab.


IVF is a Specialised Skill Set

IVF is one of the most recognised and practiced assisted reproductive technology, that is undertaken by couples who have failed to reproduce naturally. It is a blend of surgical and medicinal intervention where the externally fertilised egg is implanted in the uterus of the woman’s body. Not all doctors are trained to perform IVF, as it is a special skill. One needs to get trained in a top-notch IVF training center to acquire that special skill set and then to perform the medical procedure. 


Why IVF requires accurate surgical skills?

The primary step for IVF starts with medications regarding fertility. This continues for many months to streamline the ovaries to produce multiple healthy eggs, which can be taken for fertilisation when matured. One may undertake regular blood tests and USGS to see the fertility stage and to track the ovulation stage and this process is called ovulation induction. Once the ovaries have produced a sufficient number of matured eggs, the specialised doctor undertakes the egg retrieval process and removes the eggs from the body. Egg retrieval is an elementary surgical process that is done mainly at the fertility clinic. The eggs are then mixed with the sperms of the donor or the partner and this specialised process is called insemination. Once the fertilisation happens, the embryo is inserted or implanted in the uterus and this is what we call embryo transfer. This is also a minor surgical process and done with precision and focus. Now all these surgical processes need detailed knowledge and skill and everything is taught explicitly as a part of the IVF training courses in India


The necessity of Proper Training for IVF and Embryology

Embryology and IVF are important aspects of ART or Assisted Reproductive Technology. The expertise and proficiency in this are mainly accomplished with extensive knowledge and practical exposure. All the educational institutes delivering the best embryology training inIndia provide lectures, seminars, workshops, and practical assignments that make the person an expert. The gynaecologists and infertility experts acquire this special training and become an expert in this field. Such training courses comprise of detailed courses on diagnosis, counselling, infertility treatments and medications, and then the procedures. Candidates will have very absorbed in training sessions and the best institutes delivering such training aim in making the people an expert in this field of ART. Such pieces of training are generally taken by embryologists and gynaecologists who wish to extend their skills in IVF procedures. These courses enhance the knowledge and skill of the learners and make them a maestro in this field. These institutes also conduct scientific and medical research and continually upgrade their students with this. 


The IVF Training: Scope and Content 

A typical IVF training course entails the processes of historical analysis and presents analysis of an infertile couple, technical and clinical knowledge of IVF and IUI, fundamentals of scanning, sonography, and other medical procedures of ovulation, insemination, egg retrieval, and fertilisation, and knowledge of embryology and endocrinology. The course also covers various aspects of follicular monitoring processes, legal and socio-emotional aspects of ART, parents counselling techniques, and counselling for male infertility issues and associated treatment. The courses also provide detailed knowledge on the usages of lab facility, how to deal with complicated IVF cases, Laser Hatching, Sonosalpingography, embryo transfer, Laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy Letrozole, Embryo biopsy, Azoospermia, ovum pick-up, and usages of lab equipment. The courses also encompass details of ICMR guidelines regarding the aspects of assisted reproductory technology.


In a nutshell, IVF is a complex concept and very much in demand nowadays. To become a skilled professional in this regard, one must take up courses and experience hands-on training to excel in this branch of ART.